Puppet - Getting Started

Posted by Dishant Langayan on Tue, Aug 9, 2022

Puppet is a responsive, simple and clean Hugo theme based on the Huxblog Jekyll theme.

Install Hugo

Make sure you have installed the lastest version of Hugo-extented.

Create a New Site

1hugo new site mysite

Add the Theme

You can download and unpack the theme manually from Github or use git to clone the theme into your site’s themes directory.

1cd mysite
2git init
3git clone https://github.com/roninro/hugo-theme-puppet.git themes/puppet

Or you can add the theme as a submodule.

1cd mysite
2git init
3git submodule add https://github.com/roninro/hugo-theme-puppet.git themes/puppet
4git submodule update --init --recursive

That’s all, Puppet is ready to be used.

Add Config Files

For getting started, you can copy the config.toml file from the theme’s exampleSite directory to the root directory of your site.

1cp themes/puppet/exampleSite/config.toml .

Note: You may need to delete the themesDir line in the config file.

Add Some Content

Create a new post with the following command.

1hugo new posts/my-first-post.md

Edit the content of the post.

 2title = "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
 3date = {{ .Date }}
 4description = ""
 5draft = true
 6subtitle = ""
 7header_img = ""
 8toc = true
 9tags = []
10categories = []
11series = []
12comment = true
15Your content here...

Some front-matter used for SEO, others used for displaying contents, configuration, etc.

Run example site

From the root of themes/puppet/exampleSite:

1hugo server --themesDir ../..